Tuesday, January 26, 2010

So much to write!!! So long since writing!!!

Where do I start?!?!?!? I even found ALOT of blogs I never published so I just posted them and no telling when they are from but hey must have needed to vent or just get my mind and heart emptied then like I do now.. Thank God I can xfer this blog to FACEBOOK where I am always updating.. HAHAHA..
Some of you are not friends with me on facebook so you are probably wondering what in the world happened...

Well Salem arrived at 35 wks and 6 days and spent 6 days in the NICU... Went to well baby first but started having breathing complications. Which was ok cause some of Samuel's Dr.s was doing rounds that week at MTMC.. Samuel was born at Centennial.. So having that said and done was one of my sweet prayers that some of Samuel"s dr.'s and nurses would be there doing rounds to meet Salem..

Salem Joseph Snyder was born December 5th, 2009 at 249pm.. 6.8lbs and 18 and 7/8 long.. he had hair and came out screaming.. SOmething I wanted to hear so bad.. I was in labor about 2 days off and on.. Really a week in my opinion but they called it braxton hicks.. what do they know really.. we know our bodies.. so when i would go in before Thursday Night they would always send me back home.. Well By Saturday my blood presure was like 140/104.. And keep ion mind they had me on Magnesium and staidol to try and stop contractions.. I HAte both of those.. Well I had pre-eclampsia and toxcemia.. (Please forgive me if I missspell anything) All I can say they next day when the dr. came to see me her words to me was God had His hands on yall.. We were minutes to seconds losing you and possibly him.. After all my surgeries obviously my uterus is RETARDED (< dr.s word for it) She was unable to deliver Salem but her partner did and she said my utuerus was like a helium ballon so full about to bust.. It was tissue thin.. So I am so thankful to be alive!! I have been trying to get my energy and strength back ever since.. At first when we came home I was on adrenaline and could not stop cleaning and organizing now that has all slacked off a bit but not totally.. I even said the other day I am getting worst than my mom.. They say you always end up like em.. Which is not a bad thing at all considering MY MOM IS THE BEST.. I know you probably can agree on your moms..

When I look at Salem when he is sleeping he reminds me of Samuel.. And at first I just cried and cried.. Nw it makes me smile.. Cause I know that Samuel was our prsonal lil angel that day for the dr. God does know what is taking place in all our lives good and bad.. God makes more sense to me daily..

Anyways... Day before yesterday we had to take Salem to the emergency room which he is 9 lbs now and the reason we had to take him and he was xfered to Vandy for overnight obversation was because he was diagnosed with Broncolitis.. Which is under the same umbrella as RSV.. Which is LIFE THREATING.. We are home but we have to montior him constantly.. It is so sad to see him sick.. We had a followup today and his stats are good.. He lost a couple of oz.s because he did not eat much last night or this am.. But this afternoon he is eating much better.. Praise God!!! Please continue to pray for him.. THis is a 3 to 4 wk process and days 3-7 is supposedly the worst and we are on days 3...

So needless to say.. People who dont understand preemies and us not getting out no more.. cause we have ventured out some on the warmer days we had lately but now we are kickin ourselves in the butt for it... but like I was saying people who dont understand have never had a preemie or a sick lil one and does not understand the seriousness can go on with their bad selves cause I am no longer gonna let what they say or do effect my decisions for what is best for Salem.. I appreciate all the support for family and friends and the medical staff that have helped us with Salem.. It is just hard when you get misunderstood or shunned...

Please pray for Brad's family as his Grandfather passed away Saturday Night..

Anyways Enjoy the pictures I post On the next blog in the next few days.. God BLESS YOU..