Saturday, November 15, 2008


Today is Saturday, November 15th,2008...

I am starting this site up to kinda have a new start on the web. I have a mychurch site, myspace, and a facebook account. And as I would ask people to try to find me they were having a hard time. My husband and I don't have a family site until we made this one. This is a new way for both of us to communicate with family, friends, and anyone else that may need some encouragement. We needed to do this a while back, but the Lord was working through the other sites. I pray now that Brad and I do this together we may be able to reach more souls for Christ. May God Bless you greatly as we open you up to our lives. I may be doing all the typing. LOL.. And that is quiet alright. Cause I am the wide open one in this marriage.

As thanksgiving approaches I am so Thankful and Grateful for God, all my family, friends, and church family.

God Is BIGGER than any thing we are facing.

Come on and Join us on this JOURNEY with the Snyder's