Thursday, January 29, 2009


So... I am excited for alot of reasons...
I am reconnecting with people on FB that I never thought would have FACEBOOK. It is really exciting.
I have been told that people are starting to ship items to us.. And that is making me happy to see everyones different tastes in clothes...
There is no one the same on earth we are all different with different ways, likes, and loves... I love IT!!!!!!

I pray that all is well in you land of life..
Love you each.. God Bless YOU!!

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Just Praying for Wisdom and For my Friends..

Howdy Yall..
Life is Life isn't it?!?!?!? God is really teaching me this as I learn who I can trust in life.
Let me tell you we can not always trust our hearts can we?!?!?

Let me try to briefly inform you. I was talked into helping start a group on face book for a church member tonight and at first once I got the email I was okay with it but the more I talked to this lady on the phone the more things were not adding up and I was feeling very uncomfortable. So while I was chilling out on the couch and after I had tried to get past what she had said that my pastor had said and done I just prayed and I was on facebook... I was just praying Lord please let Pastor or pastors wife get on please please... And what do you know a hour later there pastor was.. And I said can I ask you something and he said sure and once I started in on what it was he said let me have my wife call you. So needless to say my "sincerity got you highjacked" that is how pastor put it. So I got sucked in something that I felt was right at first and then it ended up being wrong.. I have got to start reading between the lines and listening to my spirit better. Sometimes when we help people we need to check their motives and our own. Is it SELFISH OR IS IT TRULY for God??????? Well, that is that story.... So any of you read carefully before you enter in something cause you may be mislead even by people you admire... And it hurts when it is done!!! BIG TIME!! But what do I always say GOD IS IN CONTROL.. And bet that He will shed light on things!!! BEWARE THE ENEMY CAN WORK THRU ANYONE TO DISTRACT YOU!

So for a funny story... On Monday Morning I was riding back home with Brad cause I had stayed with my Granny and there was one of those talk shows on talking about Obama.. (Of Course) What is new?!??!?!? Huh??? Well, I heard bills that he was passing and Brad said yeah you should have heard the one before you got in the car.. I said What was it about?? HE SAID FACEBOOK...(cause if you know me you know that i have became addicted to it)
And I said what about Facebook?!??!? He said OBAMA passed a law to where you can only update your facebook one time a day.. Well, he had me going for about 10 to 20 minutes almost the whole ride back to manchester from the Boro. And I said no if he can pass that kind of law then why hasn't he already passed a bill to OUTLAW ABORTIONS?!?!? I was PISSED.. needless to say.. Well, I finally made him tell me that he was joking but I told him that ain't even funny cause if it was true I was going to write OBAMA myself.

Well, That is all of the stories..

I do want to thank you for your prayers.

Prayer Requests:

Mrs. Donnie- (my mom's friend) ended up having inner ear instead of a mild stroke . That was such a blessing to find out. They did say that she had 2 light strokes before but not recent.

Baby Drayke- He passed away Monday Night. So please pray for his family and friends and the staff that became so close to him.

Laura and Mollie- They are both pregnant and have experienced premature births before. Please pray that they go full term with these pregnancies.

Just continue to pray for a successful turn out on clothing for these precious babies..

OH I almost forgot!!! Pray that my Dad will make the best decisions for him and his life right now. The March of Dimes asked him to be a CHAIRMAN on their board this year.. I really hope he does it since this is where my heart is but I also know that him and mom do own their own business as well. Who knows I just pray that he makes the decision for him. ( I told mom to tell him I would do it in a heart beat if I was in his position)

Well, Love you guys!! Pray all is well in your world!!