Thursday, January 8, 2009

How we want celebrate Samuel's 1st BIRTHDAY!!!

Happy New Year 2009!!!!!

Greetings Family and Friends,

Happy New Year! We are so thankful to have each of you in our lives. We pray that God is blessing each of you as this New Year has begun.
This letter is not only to say Happy New YEAR. It’s to thank you for all your prayer and support. We would not have made it through 2008 without you!
We were so amazed at the support that you gave for the March for Babies in 2008 that we are going to continue Samuel’s legacy in 2009. This year we are going to give preemie clothes to the NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit) at the Centennial Women’s Hospital in Nashville, TN in Samuel’s name. The staff that took care of Samuel are amazing and we want to give back. So between now and Saturday, April 4th we are going to collect what we can of preemie clothes. The staff prefers easy snap on and off for easy access with all of the cords. Whatever you are able to give we will forever be grateful and thankful. If you are unable to give we certainly understand. We just ask that you all pray for the staff and infants at this facility.
May God Bless You!
Brad and Tiffany Snyder

You can mail items to:
Brad and Tiffany Snyder
71 Liberty Court
Manchester, TN 37355

Or you may drop them off to:
Billie Thompson
Thompson Services Inc.
8055 Jackson Ridge Rd.
Rockvale, TN 37153

You also may send gift card or checks. We will gladly purchase the outfits for you and mail you the receipts. Please send all donations by Saturday, April 4th so we can deliver them on April 10th for Samuel’s 1st birthday.Happy New Year YALL. God bless You..

Monday, January 5, 2009

Sittin and Ponderin.. while brushin the tangles out of my wet hair..

Today is now Tuesday, January 6th, 2009

WOW.. I have been just takin it easy as I have been fighting this cold. I woke up Saturday morning with a sore throat and it has quit hurting by Sunday morning but then it felt like my ears were stuffy along with a nose and coughs follow.

Anyways... Well, as I sit here brushin these tangles out of my wet head and waiting out the night till Brad gets off of work I have been checking my emails and watching TV and took a hot bath and shower and just relaxin and pondering 2008.

I am so thankful that God thought our family was strong enough to handle what we were dealt in life last Year.

Lets see where do I start.. I may not cover everything but it is main highlights...

January 2008
On the 12th I was no longer Tiffany Thompson I became Bradley Snyder's wife.
This month was not only a highlight of my life but I was also ending my first trimester of pregnancy and starting my 2nd trimester.

February 2008
I knew that I was in high-rick due to my set up in my uterus. I was known for having a septated uterus alon with a septated vagina. So our baby only had half the room to grow in. So as my morning sickness was getting unbearable I had to quit my job that I was gonna be at a year in March. BUt the morning sickness and weight loss was just too unbearable to continue to work. The Dr.'s did not tell me to quit or even take time off but my body was.

March 2008
This month I tried to relax but it seemed that being a newly wed and all just was not what I was cut out for at this time. I could not keep anything down food wise. The only thing that I could really eat was Chick-Fil-A... I loved or should I say that Samuel loved a grilled chicken sandwich on a regular bun and plain with french fries and a large coke. I know.. I know I need to not drink caffinated drinks next time..
I remember this month Brad and I did alot of site seeing...

April 2008
This is when our lives changed and is still being changed I hope for the good forever..
On April 10th, Samuel Owen Snyder made his appearence. I was trying my best to make every minute, hour, and day count. I was in labor 5 days and was dialated to 10 for 13+ hours. But Praise God He brought us both though that day.
Samuel was 1 lb 10 oz and 12 1/2 in long... He was my angel. Little did I know he would only be with us nine days till he became an Angel in Heaven.

April- Sept 2008 is very blurry and I believe that God does this to protect me and my emotions.

Sept. 2008
I moved back to moms and dads. As any of you that have came through loosing your child or no of anyone that has we struggled as a couple. We still are but God is seeing us through.
On the 19th of this month I went through My first surgery to correct my uterus to take down the septated wall and the septated vagina. And I also learned my true set up at this time. I did not have what the dr.'s thought I had. So after thorough tests and the first surgery we found out that I have a septated uterus with an extra cervix which is what cause my vaginal septum to form. The dr.'s said I possibly was a twin when I was cincieved but never branched off. so that is why it was so different. It was so different that it is not found in the medical books.. So they have got lots of pictuers and I possibly may make it to a medical book one day.
With this surgery I had coomplications that flared up. They thought that I might be internally bleeding. Needless to say my stomach blew up bigger than I was when I was pregnant. Thank God I was not bleeding but they have had to do numerous of tests and have me on alot of tummy meds that I am still of this day. Between stress and all I had aggravated my tummy and with irritable bowel and cloitis trying to form I was a mess. But Praise God it is getting under control.

Oct.-Nov. 2008 Was healing time

December 2008
Had some more surgery done on my uterus and it is all done for now. But one more to go.
I also had a tooth pulle because I grind my teeth so bad that I had a cavity all up in the root. So when they pulled it some of my jaw bone came with it. LOL Stilling healing from that.
All the dr.'s say is nothing goes normal for me. I am just created uniquely. And I said that is just my life in general and welcome to it.
I also came back home to Brad.

Now it is January 2009
And I am recovering well from everything. I actually go January 13th to another specialist to discuss hopefully the final surgery.
This surgery is pretty major and has alot of effects that an c-section has. Which next pregnancy it will be a given that I will have to have a c-section. What they are going to do is go through abdominally and do a permanent cerclage on the top of my cervix and leave just enough room to be able to make a baby eventually. I will be in the hospital about 3 to 5 days for recovery and on restrictions for 6 weeks. so more than likely I will be going to stay with mom and dad during this time..
Just continue to pray that Brad and I continue to draw closer to one another and to the Lord. Guys do definitly handle things totally different than us. But praise GOD that we are makin it.

It is 2009 PRAISE GOD...

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Sunday, Jan. 4th, 2009

Today is Sunday, January 4th, 2009.
I am doing this on notebook in the pc so I am not messing with Brad's Time with his games. We all need our times of doing what we like best huh. It is absolutely amazing to try to stay up late with him. LOL.. HAHA.. Not really But I try to anyways. It is 1 am and I feel like I have been up 24 hours or more. Which I have not but it feels like even more I guess since I have been trying to come down with something. I mean my body is healed in the name of Jesus!!! It seems I am better off sitting up right now. Or I am gagging on Drainage..TMI.. I know it. I usually end up telling more than needed.. LOL.. I am laughing alot writing this cause who knows when I will actually get this posted. LOL.. I will once I finish I am sure.
Why is the weather so unpredictable lately? One day it is "cold as krout" as my mom would say or it is very comfortable outside. Who Knows?!?!!? God knows what HE is doing to make this world go round huh?!?! But my goodness my system doesn't like all this changing.. It is I can't hear clearly right now cause my ears feel like they have a cotton ball in them. Everything is muffled. And this sinus pressure. Tylenol Allergy seems to be working.. But not long out all.. I guess I might have to make a trip to the Dr. for this whole issue. I planon getting better in the Names of JESUS.
So, this weekend Brad's mom and her new husband were in to see us, spend CHRISTMAS together as well as NEW YEARS. It was nice to have them. I ventured out on cooking. I am alwayshesitant to cook anything new cause I don't know if it will turn out right, or if I will like much more than the others that I prepare it for. So they arrive in time for dinner on Friday. Friday night:I prepared Brown Sugar Glazed Ham, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans, and Crescent Rolls. And for dessert I prepared brownies.. They ate and ate and ate and so did I. Saturday morning:I fried up the slices of left over ham, scrambled eggs, and cinnamon rolls. We ate and ate and ate some more. We ate kinda a late breakfast.Saturday Dinner:I made Barbcue in a slow cooker. Brad helped me by trimming the fast off the Pork Roast and then I followed the instructions in the Slow Cooker BIBLE that Brad got me. And for me cooking it for the first time it did not turn out bad at all. So I baked some beans with it. My neice would have called them the "cowboy beans" where she came up with that I don't know but she loves them. And we had chips with it. Not too long after they ate and finished watching that COLTS game they were heading to bed. Poor Peyton and the COLTS ain't gonna make it to the BOWL this year.. HAHA.. I really don't to sports like I used to especially the NFL..
Well I keep on rambling and I am getting tired. But I do what to leave you a quote to ponder before I close this for now... It is part of this weekends sermon. We all went to church. That is HUGE. And everyone ENJOYED IT.
" Our heart determines what is coming to us" Allen Jackson, Pastor and Uncle
Scripture to ponder with this is:
Proverbs 4:23 NIVAbove all else, guard your heart for it is the wellspring of life.
2nd Timothy 1:6-7For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, whichis in you through the laying on of my hands. For God did not give us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind.

May God Bless You Today, Tomorrow, and Forever. Keep YOUR eyes on HIM..

COPIED 1 (Tiff's past bloggin days)

Sometime's we ask God why?!?!?!?! 3 stars 8 comments May 20, 2008 at 11:59am
Hello, My name is Tiffany. I am in my mid-twenties and married. My husband and I have had a ruff last month or so. I am thankful for all of our families and friends praying for us during this time. We had our first child on April10th. His name is Samuel Owen Snyder. Yes I Named him after the story of Hannah. Cause the doctors always told me I probably would never carry a baby due to my set up in my body. But the story of Hannah always was an encouragement to me. So, I always said if the Lord allows me to be a mommy I will name my son Samuel. Well, Samuel came very early. I was 23 weeks and 6 days pregnant. With him being so premature he was on a honeymoon period is what they call it for about 5 to 7 days. With premies they either fight through the honeymoon period or not and unfortunately Samuel fought with all he had till he had no more. Samuel passed away on April 19th. I know this has been a time in our lives when we ask God why us?!?!?! But I know that God has our best interests at mind. Even though things are still a lil blurry of all that has took place I know that God is our Healer and Restorer. God bless you all for all you thoughts and prayers.
#1 Summary and Devotional by me.. 2 stars 2 comments June 02, 2008 at 8:21am Summary of Prologue and Chapter 1...
The Following is my views and what I got out of a book I just finished.. I hope that my new way of expressing what I feel the Lord is leading me to do Helps and encourages you as well.. God Bless and enjoy..
Book: When I Lay My Issac DownAuthor: Carol Kent
We all are going through storms, tests, trials, etc. And when going through the processes of life Carol Kent could not say it any better... " .. formed opinion of God , and determined that you will either curl up and die emotionally or you will choose life...."
The follwoing is some comments that she makes that had me pondering most definitly or how I have felt here recently going through the loss of my son..."The Brokeness will challenge you to new levels of personal compassion.".....When God seems the most absent, He is the most present."..... He is in the middle of you circumstances whether or not you have recognized him."...... "Will we maintain our grip on hopein the process of defeat?"..."Will we choose unshakable faith, or will we give up on God?" Says Carol Kent
She really puts things into perspective for me and my storm.. I highly recommend this book it has helped me in more ways than one. God uses each of us to bring glory and honor to Him and what He is all about..
We as all human beings have this battle raging all the time with the what if's and it is normal to have those questions but we must choose as christians to look beyond the battle raging and lean on Jesus. He is our Lord God Almighty who knows the outcome; it is us that has to make the decision to live for Him or to live for the devil and his tormenting lies. We all have struggles. Sometimes we are on the mountain tops and sometimes we are down in the valleys but who are we praising in the midst? Sometime it is hard to Prais God in the storm but it a must to praise the ONE who saved us from the pit.
Well I hope that you enjoyed my summary. Look for more.. God bless.. And Have a great day.
#2 Summary and Devotions by me 4 stars 4 comments June 02, 2008 at 8:40pm I am continuing my views and devotion here online.. I hope that you enjoy.. God bless.
Book: When I Lay My Issac DownBy: Carol Kent
Chapter 2
Wow..The Lord has used this book to do so many things for me. God Bless you.I hope that I bring encouragement to you as well.
"We can hug our hearts and make a shrine out of our sorrows or we can offer them to God as a sacrifice of praise. The choice is ours."-Richard Exley-
When I read that quote that she put in this book in reminded me of everything in my life the good and the bad and I have to take everything for what it is worth and give it to God cause He always turns around what the enemy means for evil and turns it around for His Good.... I know that full well. Romans 12:21 is a good study reference for that. Romans 12 in general. We belong to God and everything around us He created so we must give all of ourselves to Him and not to the world. Cause the world will Fail us but not God.. He always has our best intrest in mind. God bless You all.
During the days we had with Samuel we were constantly in prayer along with alot of our family and friends.. But after Samuel's death I started reading this book and wow Carol put it in the best of words for her situation.. And I could relate to her comment. "How much more pain do you think I can bear? I feel so powerless,God! I don't know how to help my son. Please take care of him!"That is all I could think and pray while I was in the hospital in labor for 5 days and while he was in the NICU for 9 days.. HAVE YALL EVER FELT THAT WAY? That is the attitude we must have about every situation because God knows best and will take very good of the situation and the outcome no matter what it is. We must remind ourselves of that daily... I know that I have to..
God usually speaks to us in various ways and we all know in our heart what that way is that he draws us closer to Him.. God tells us to have faith of a mustard seed and He also tells us that he won't give us more than we can handle but our fleshly carnal nauture always like to take matters into our own hand but we can't this life is not ours our lives are supposed to be vessels used to bring glory and honor to HIS name not ours. We must let go of our fleshly desires and wants and TRUST HIM.. That is still something I am working on daily through this process.
When I lay My Issac Down? By Carol Kent What story comes to your mind??? This is a story line of Abraham and Issac but we all have our Issac's in life. Are we going to be selfish and hang on to it or are we going to lift it up to our Heavenly Father ????? And say here I am Lord and here is this situation and You Lord; You take care of it cause you know best Lord Not me.... It is painful to lay things on the altar before the Lord..Oh it is so painful but you know that God will not give us more than we can handle and we are his children and he will take care of us. The most selfish thing I could have done is waited for the ventilator to just turn off completely the dr. Told me that he was already in a como 6 to 8 hours before he asked me to make the decision to turn off the vent. You know I knew that my son was already in the hands of Jesus. It is still hard to live without him at times but I am at peace in my spirit knowing that he is in the palm or lap of Jesus right now. How selfish to allow our circumstances to weigh us down to where we are living a miserable life with no hope and no light at the end of the tunnel. That there is no quality of life. IS IT?? I dont think so.. But when we have Jesus on our side and we give it to Him we can walk in freedom and see the light at the in of the tunnel. But we all have that choice in life whether we are going to live bogged down by our circumstnaces or choose life with Christ... God doesn't like us to be weighed down.. He says in Matthew 11:28 "Come to me all you that labor and are heavy laden and I will give you rest"We must just let go of our control and let the ONE who created us be in control.
Trust me I am still dealing with that control issue alot but when I realize I am trying to take things into my own hands I pray and ask the Lord to help me.
2 #3 Summary and Devotions by me.... 2 stars 2 comments June 04, 2008 at 7:19pm WOW! God Is Doing a work isn't He!?!?!?!
JESUS IS IN CONTROL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 3 thru 5 My views and devotion time from previous reading in:
Book: When I Lay My Issac Down
Author: Carol Kent
HOW GREAT IS OUR GOD!!!!!!!!!!! The Name above all names.. Praise You Jesus..
I am typing this while I am watching the REVIVAL in Lakeland, FLA on TV.. WOW. Yall I am going to let the Lord lead me completely on these.. He is FAITHFUL AND WORTHY YALL....... YES LORD.. If you have GODTV on your cable or dish you need to tune into what God is doing there and then you will feel HIM.. We have to believe that the nation will be in Revival TOGETHER AS A WHOLE.. Praise you JESUS WE WANT IT.... It comes on at 7 pm central time...
Okay well they are having technical difficulties right now so I will just continue to write and let the Lord move in my area and house... God Is amazing!!! isn't HE??????
Sometimes we ask each other going through difficult circumstances WHY DIDN"T GOD DO SOMETHING??? WOW... And we all do that from time to time. Because of our selfish ambition and desires. Just like when we were going through the delivery with Samuel and the days in the NICU.. We truly were asking those questions but as God reminded me through a lady visiting another lil' one actually twins.. She came over the night before Samuel passed away and she was praising Jesus as I was talking to her and I said would you pray with me in agreement for God's will to be done in my son's life.. I don't want him to suffer.. And she said when she got done praying when things don't look or seem good know the IT IS WELL WITH HIS SOUL.. And when I held him as they removed the ventilator I sang You are my sunshine then I sang it is WELL WITH YOUR SOUL... YOu know I could be selfish and say daily GOD WHY DIDN"T YOU PROTECT MY SON????? WHY DIDN"T YOU KEEP HIM IN MY WOMB LONGER???? WHY, WHY,?? WHy did you allow his body to get the fgingal infection that the dr's said they only see 1 case maybe a year??????????? I could be selfish with those quesstions and I have asked God those questions but I have peace in my heart that was God's will that took place for that season.. We can't control the next minute nor the next hour.. Only GOD knows the will HE has for our lives and what roads we are going to take. And what he reminds me each tim those questions come up in my mind or heart he says I AM IN CONTROL............ And Be still for know that I AM GOD.....

2 Continue #3 Summary and Devotion by me 2 stars 2 comments June 04, 2008 at 7:51pm Chapters 3 thru 5When I Lay My Issac Down by Carol Kent
Heartache forces us to embrace God out of desperate, urgent need. God Is never closer then when you heart is aching.. the is a quote in the book.. ANd that is by Joni Eareckson Tada
That is so true.. Cause if I look back in my life.. When there has been a death in the family, or when we had to relocate as a family and switch schools, or me having to get out of my comfort zone and go to Teen Challenge because of my addiction to pills and men, then having to leave there and get out of my comfort zone there for 22 months and come back to the familiar where everyone new the old me and God says in His word that when we come to Him and accept him we are new and the old is gone.. And unbelievers or new christians don't know that.. And then the judgmental spirit is on them.. Then when all those things take place in any of our lives we have aching hearts and I know for me I feel God closer than ever.. We always need to go before him humbly seeking His face....
I will give a quote on how Carol puts it in terms.... Along with this quote by Ken Gire..." The closest communion with God comes, I believe, through the sacraments of tears. Just as grapes are crushedto make wine and grain to make bread, so the elements of this sacrament come from the crushing experiences of life."Just ponder on that isn't that a way to put it...:)
Since I have been going through this loss I have gained some many new friends and personal spiritual strength.. AND God Tells us to "CArry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ... "We must encourage one another and also cry with one another we are all brothers and sisters in Christ..
Even in our messes God uses it ALL for HIS GLORY....Here is another quote I want you to ponder on it..Our broken lives are not lost or useless. God's love is still working. He comes in and takes the calamity and uses it victoriously, working out his wonderful plan of Eric Liddell
That is amazing.... And what we know is things God does work out for HIs good..
Well I am enjoying the REVIVAL and God Is doing a work I best go for now..LOVE YOU ALL IN CHRIST AND GOD BLESS YOU..
2 #4 Summary and Devotion by me.... 2 stars leave a comment June 05, 2008 at 11:13pm Hello! How are you all today? I hope that all is going well.. I just got home from a girls night out so I am up way past my normal bed time. I must Confess to you all I went to see the Sex and the City movie.. Me, Mom, my sisnlaw, and my cousin. You know that movie was hillarious but very vulgar.. I could not believe how vulgar.. I think I need to stick with KUNG FU PANDA next time.. Anyways.. I wrote up my devotion before going cause I knew that there was a possibility I would be exhausted but I still wanted to continue what I had started to do. It is all about consistency and dependability,,, RIGHT????????well I hope that you all had a lovely Thursday and that your Friday is going great.
Okay so Summary 4..Chapters 6 to THE END
Book: When I lay My Issac Down BY: Carol Kent
"The Kind Of faith that God values seems to develop best when everything fuzzes over, when God stays silent, when fog rolls in. " Phillip Yancey
We know our faith chapters in the bible are......????..... Hebrews 11
" What is faith? it is total dependence on God that becomes supernatural in its working people with faith develop a second kind of sight. They see more than just the cirsumstances: they see Gos right beside them. Can they prove it? No... But by faith they know HE'S there... Faith alone is the trigger that releases driving power.".........................."God does his most stunning work where things seem hopeless and where ever there is pain, suffering, and desperation; Jesus is."Jim Cymbala
We all go through things that test our faith and it is up to us to lean on God during it and at all time even in the good and bad and look and seek for HIS direction and not turn from it.. Cause if we turn from HIm we have nothing.. Cause the world doesn't offer eternal life.... We have to have faith in God and not others..
I am going to leave you with one more quote and this will be all my feelings, summary and devotion on this particular book.. I am currently reading THE DREAM GIVER.. So continue to look for more blogs by me.. Until then God Bless,,,
"Our shattered dreams are never random. they are always a piece in a larger puzzle, a chapter in a story. Pain is tragedy. But it's never only a tragedy. For the Christian, it's always a necessary mile on the long journey to joy. The suffering caused by a shattered dreams must not be thought of as something to relieve if we can, or endure if we must. It's an opportunity to be embraced, a chance to discover our desire for the highest blessing God wants to give us, an encounter with Himself. The journey to joy takes us through shattered dreams... A new way to live is available to us, a way that leads to a joy-filled encounter with Christ, to a life-arousing community with others, and to a powerful transformation of our interior worlds that makes us more like Jesus."Dr. Larry Crabb
Yall remember... God loves you right where you right.. There is nothing that you have done or are doing that is surprising HIM. God Bless You..
2 #5 Summary and Devotion by me 2 stars leave a comment June 09, 2008 at 2:15pm My first questions for today is..... What did you want to be when you grew up? Are you doing what you wanted to do as a child ?
Since I have been reading "The Dream Giver" By Bruce Wilkinson that is what I have asked myself daily. Kinda trying to remember what did I want to be.?.?.?.
I can recall when I was a little girl stuffing my shirt with a baby doll or a blanket walking around like I was pregnant... Did any of you do that? I know I did.. I can remember doing that like it was yesterday.. Cause I wanted to be like my mom and be a stay at home mommy and housewife.. I can also remember helping my mom and my aunts at the local bank and acting like I was a bank teller cause it looked like fun dealing with money... HAHAHA... All of us women love the looks of money. Don't we?!?!? We love to shop with it, go get our hair done with it, And go get our nails done with it.. I can also remember in the 7th grade doing a research project on how to become a social worker.. You know like help kids from the abusive and battered lives they were facing daily.
So as I recall those few moments in my life.. Has it helped you recall moments too? I really hope so.
I know that for me I haven't done everything I have dreamed of doing but I hope and pray that the Lord is using me for His Glory now. That is what we must remember there is a reason we have that thought continuously bugging us to do something and that is the Holy Spirit nagging at us till we do it. God is a gentle man and He has put that dream in us for us to pursue it with all we have. So the next time we have the nagging in us we should pursue it with all we have RIGHT?!?!?!?!
Well, I appreciate all of you and all of your prayers.. I hope I have inspired you to go after one of your dreams.. I know that I may not be a bank teller or a social worker today but I try to be the best house wife for my husband. God Bless.
6 Summary and Devotion by me... star it leave a comment June 12, 2008 at 5:32pm So have any of you thought about your dream in life? Whether it has been recently or when your were a little boy or girl? God is so good and faithful... He places that dream in us for a reason and it is up to us to pay attention to it..
I have recently been reading THE DREAM GIVER by BRUCE WILKINSON
I am going to leave you with a few quotes at the end of the chapters for you to ponder on today. I hope that they inspire you like tey have me. God Bless..Chapters 1 thru 4
"Do you believe every person on earth was born with a dream for his or her life?"......"You're the only person with a dream quite like yours."......."He would be embarraser to tell anyone."
We all go through things in ourlives where we are embarrased to tell anyone about what is on our minds or what maybe our dream is.... Do you think that is what could be holding the next person back from sharing theirs with us or living their dream out? We maybe the only inspiration they have for such a time as this.. God asks us to leave the FAMILIAR behind alot and it is hard to do. Because to live out our dreams we sometimes have to step out of our comfort zones. And sometimes that is difficult to do but it is the least we can do for God since he sent His one and only son to die on that cross for our sins.We just must place our faith in God and ourselves to complete his dream or HIS WILL for our lives.. God Bless you all. I pray that this is inspires you to do what is next in your life.. God Bless..
1 Freedom.... What does it mean to you? 1 star 2 comments June 13, 2008 at 1:32pm Wow..... I am sitting here spending time with our Lord cause I have been so unmotivated today. Goodness I said to myself.. So I have praise and worship music on and I have been hearing FREEDOM in my spirit. So I am not doing anything till I study it out I said to the Lord. So I would like you to join me..
Freedom... What does that word mean to you?
There are many scriptures on Freedom, Free, Freed, Freely........
Look them up if you have time and which one helps you find your freedom the best?
Gen. 2:16Psalm 118:5; 119:32; 146:7; 119:45Prov. 6:3John 8:32-36Romans 6:18 :8:21st Corinthians 12:13Gal.3:28, 5:11st Peter 2:16The scriptures go on and on..
You know most of the books or scriptures I have mentioned was written by Paul. He was in Prison Literally. But if we were all honest we all have been in prison and maybe in a type of prison today. We may not be in a prison literally like Paul but we are in one waging war with ourselves and our flesh. God intends for us to be free regardless of what the world throws our way. The sad thing is that not everyone is accepting the perfect freedom that our Lord has to offer. We have a manual THE HOLY BIBLE to live by daily but I know for me I never looked at it as a manual to help me live my life till about 3 years ago. I just thought the BIBLE was for preachers to use to give us sermons each week. Did you or do you feel that way? We all have every right to the Bible it gives us life lessons in Jesus' days to live this life the best that we can. And Jesus wants the BEST for us it is up to us to choose HIM to get the best...
God is so patient, loving, caring, and so much more. He gave his son for our lives. SO why don't we live in freedom? You know cause to get freedom we have to throw off those things that entangles us and run the race we are all going to end up at the same finsh line eventually if we do it to the best of our ability that is ALL GOD expects out of us.
I know I have been in a few prisons before not litterally but in my own self. Such as.... DEPRESSION, SEXUALLY IMMORAL, ANXIETY, FEAR, PEOPLE PLEASER, ETC. DO EXPERIENCE ANY OF THESE? I know my freedom comes from the ONE and it is a daily choice to give HIM the right to my daily life or to my old prisons. I choose FREEDOM.... How about you?
God Bless You.. Have a great weekend.

Please Pray For Our Sister in Christ.. 2 stars 3 comments June 26, 2008 at 12:38am HERE WE GO AGAIN... I KNOW I KNOW..... I am a needy person with all sorts of prayer requests... BUT THE WORD OF GOD TELLS US WHERE THERE IS 2 OR MORE AGREEING ON ONE THING HE IS THERE WITH US IN THE MIDST... I NEED YALL TO PLEASE AGREE WITH ME AND MY SISTER IN CHRIST ON SOMETHING.. And I know that the Same God that we SERVE that has been pouring out His healing and resurrection power in Lakeland, Fla can do the same in this situation if we pray and come into agreement. Praise GOD.. I just recieved an email From Mrs. Margaret Butts of Evansville, IN. Mrs. Margaret helped me in so many ways at my stay at Teen Challenge. She is a woman of God.. And is an inspiration to many.. At least she has been on my life. She is facing a huge battle right now. She has just been dianogsed with Breast cancer. And she goes to see a surgeon next week sometime. I ask that you all pray for her please.. She has asked me to pray and to let everyone I know to pray as well.. So that is what I am asking you to do. I believe it would be nice if we all send her uplifting and encouraging emails. God knows what she needs.. We just need to interceed on her behalf..